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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-22
is it wrong to retweet a tweet about my own blog post? Is my tweego too large? # Powered by Twitter Tools
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-15
way too many failures today on various tools and apps. Everyone hold on a minute, I'm rebooting the internet. # I just broke my favorite tea mug. Hoping I can find the Potter again at the Saturday market to buy a replacement. # excited about today's pilot launch — over one year in the planning.…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-08
@NoahGK I'll set up a call to discuss in reply to NoahGK # I have more 3 hour meetings before 9am than most people have all day. I'm in training for the conf call olympics. # my 6am was cancelled. But I'm fully coffee'd and wide awake. Anyone need anything? # @bryanrhoads I've had luck…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-01
@GretchTweets that's why I never wear white. Always dress to match your lunch — that's my policy. Or you should have had mayo instead. in reply to GretchTweets # @turbotodd looks like the Google Instant URL DOES still pass along parameters such as keywords in the string. That is good news. in reply to turbotodd…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-24
committing to only entering pirate-themed responses in pop-up bug reports for frequently crashing apps. Yarrgh! # @Lelonopo oh great. Now I can't use tape anymore. RT @change: 3M Joins Target In Supporting Anti-Gay Politics: in reply to Lelonopo # @NoahGK lol! I also think of conf calls in marathon terms. And try to impress…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-17
just realized you can check multiple emails in Lotus Notes and forward all at once — magically rolled up into one email. Excellent! # interested to see what the twitter announcement will be. For once, an announcement during normal working hours. #westcoast # To determine a solution for a complicated issue, I try to channel…