
  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-22

    is it wrong to retweet a tweet about my own blog post? Is my tweego too large? # Powered by Twitter Tools

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  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-15

    way too many failures today on various tools and apps. Everyone hold on a minute, I'm rebooting the internet. # I just broke my favorite tea mug. Hoping I can find the Potter again at the Saturday market to buy a replacement. # excited about today's pilot launch — over one year in the planning.…

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  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-08

    @NoahGK I'll set up a call to discuss in reply to NoahGK # I have more 3 hour meetings before 9am than most people have all day. I'm in training for the conf call olympics. # my 6am was cancelled. But I'm fully coffee'd and wide awake. Anyone need anything? # @bryanrhoads I've had luck…

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  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-01

    @GretchTweets that's why I never wear white. Always dress to match your lunch — that's my policy. Or you should have had mayo instead. in reply to GretchTweets # @turbotodd looks like the Google Instant URL DOES still pass along parameters such as keywords in the string. That is good news. in reply to turbotodd…

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  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-24

    committing to only entering pirate-themed responses in pop-up bug reports for frequently crashing apps. Yarrgh! # @Lelonopo oh great. Now I can't use tape anymore. RT @change: 3M Joins Target In Supporting Anti-Gay Politics: in reply to Lelonopo # @NoahGK lol! I also think of conf calls in marathon terms. And try to impress…

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  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-17

    just realized you can check multiple emails in Lotus Notes and forward all at once — magically rolled up into one email. Excellent! # interested to see what the twitter announcement will be. For once, an announcement during normal working hours. #westcoast # To determine a solution for a complicated issue, I try to channel…

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