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Mobile indexing as it applies to AI
Cindy Krum’s keynote at EngagePDX a few weeks ago was both fascinating and a little disturbing: [slideshare id=73116094&doc=mobile-first-keynote-v3-170314023128] More detail can be found in this post Understanding Mobile-First Indexing (2/3): The Long-Term Impact on SEO Mobile-first indexing is not the same as Mobile-first design and making sure your site is friendly to mobile devices. The…
How to unpersonalize search results
People often ask how they can get an “unfiltered, unpersonalized view” of their “rankings” on Google. The short answer is, you can’t. Unpersonalizing your Google results is a useless exercise You can remove some personalization from your results, but from an SEO standpoint, there is absolutely no reason to monitor slightly less personalized Google results.…
Google cache hack: See what Google sees
I’m pretty sure I stole this from another SEO, but because I’ve been using it as the first step of basic SEO testing for so long, I’ve completely forgotten where I got this. But today I was reminded of what a great little hack it is when a colleague asked me how I always know…
using rel=author tags on blogs to optimize content ownership
I came across this article, AuthorRank could be more disruptive than all of the Panda updates combined, this morning and decided it was time to practice what I preach. I’ve been advising our bloggers to link their blogs to Google+ as well as work on their Google+ visibility, and this post persuaded me it was…
Using Ubuntu to recover files on an unmountable windows harddrive
Recently I experienced what all web workers dread: the blue screen of death (aka, the BSOD). And on a Monday morning as I tried to boot up for my 6am status call, no less. After I tried every last trick in the book to get my laptop to boot (last known good, safe mode, etc.)…